SPENCE CREATIVE (SP_CE) is a freelance designer based in Winnipeg MB Canada.



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The goal of this project was to produce a typographic title card sequence for a television series of our choosing. I decided upon the Polish miniseries; Dekalog.

The inspiration for this project came from promotional materials featuring a series of ten groups of ten black squares in various arrangements representative of both the Ten Commandments and the labyrinthine housing complexes common to working-class people of this region. This led to the system of building each letter of the title card out of these black squares into a soviet style bitmap font that evolves revealing the word mark.

Typographic title card animation

llustrator, After Effects, Ableton Live

Dekalog: The Ten Commandments (1998) is a Polish drama television show directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski & co-written by Krzysztof Piesiewicz


Using a 5 x 5 grid laid the groundwork for how each glyph was built. Arranging the tiles into the letterforms of the bitmap style typeface came about with one rule of having each glyph contain as close to ten tiles worth of negative space as possible within the 5 x 5 grid.


The animation structure showcases the word mark evolving from this array of tiles vanishing and appearing in sequential order. As they appear and disappear, their position changes flowing from the negative to positive space of each letter until the full word mark is revealed.